Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Concert Meet Times and Details

Chorus Families,

Please be in the music room NO LATER THAN 6:15 tomorrow (Thursday) night to get warmed-up and ready to take the stage. Wear your chorus shirt and jeans please! NO SHORTS! We want to look uniform.

ALSO, I will be placing a sign-up sheet for parents to volunteer and send in chorus party items in the gym Thursday night. Our party will be this Monday during our rehearsal time. We will let out at 3:00 that day.

For the Chorus Jam at JM Robinson on Monday the 20th: please be there NO LATER THAN 6:45 to get ready for the show. Same attire applies that night, too.

Thanks everyone for a great year! Hope you're ready as I am to do our thing at these two concerts!